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Welcome to the Artificer Creations projects page. 
Here you will be able to see a variety of personal and commissioned models painted by Christopher Holter.


Illuminor Szeras

A very enjoyable model to paint and a great centrepiece to any Necron army, this piece features blending on both the weapons and the unfortunate victim of the Cryptek as he crawls through the snowy ground.

Belisarius Cawl

The base for this model and the painting of this legendary Techpriest were completed during a 12 hour hobby challenge at a local Games Workshop store. This piece has a custom base to emphasize the technological and industrial feel of the model.

Imperial Fist

A primaris lieutenant painted in the colours of the Imperial Fists, this piece features a fighting Astartes on a simple base to emphasize his struggle for survival despite his wounds.

Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle

This model makes a great centrepiece to any Chaos Space Marine army and was a joy to paint with all of the interesting textures and large surfaces to work with.


Not painted in the traditional colours of Morathi, this piece features a Chinese dragon colour palette wrapped around a dark jade column for a good contrast between model and base.

Eldar Farseer Skyrunner

Painted in the colours of Craftworld Alaitoc, this Farseer is held off the base by an unfortunate Guardsman which forms part of the dynamic look and feel of the piece.


Painted in a stark white colour scheme this piece shows a clear distinction between the material components and the spectral form of the Nighthaunt.


This piece features a custom base to compliment the dynamic pose of this Knight-Incantor as he carries himself through the skies to battle on a piece of “borrowed” ground.

Frostlord on Stonehorn

The imposing figure of the Frostlord sitting atop his Stonehorn is given scale by the sculpted base featuring a sculpted riverbank and frozen river complete with icicles.

Noise Marine

Just like the official box art, this model features retro bright colours, leopard print, and zebra stripes on a Chaos Space Marine playing an electric guitar that shoots. This was a lot of fun to paint as each section of armour presented a different material to paint.

Sunshark Bomber

This piece was inspired by a wargamer at the local Games Workshop with the camo patterns in some panels contrasted by the bright white of the futuristic Tau.

C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon

This amazing model presented a number of challenges when painting as it is a large model with so many fine connections that it was hard to keep track of which lightning effect had been done to a given branch!

The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead

Painted slightly darker than the official box art, this piece was painted in the custom colour scheme of my Ynnari and is an amazing centrepiece for the army with its contrasting sharp and smooth edges working together to highlight the contrasting light and dark colours.

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